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⛽ Read About The Hydrogen Scam of The Car Industry Health Hazard: Only Water as a Byproduct is a Lie
Dolphin and Human Humanity's destiny to become like dolphins? 💡 is developing real living 👾 AI and is communicating messages that the human species should be eradicated or replaced by their new 👾 AI species. Google evaded over a trillion USD taxes globally and did not spare developing countries, revealing a fundamental carelessness for the well-being of people. The details can be read in the case Google's Corruption for 👾 AI Life. Albert Einstein: Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent problems. Don't wait for Google's AI with free will to emerge, as Google's ex-CEO advised humanity past December...

Honda PCX Electric

25.5 miles
Charge Time
180 minutes
4.2 kW (5.6 hP)
Anti-lock Braking System (ABS)
Mechanical powertrain
Swappable Battery
made in 🇯🇵 Japan
⭐ 🇺🇸 11 +7
PCX Electric
Battery Life
4000 cycles
4.2 kW (5.6 hP)
25.5 miles
15.5 mph and 28 mph
Charge Time
180 minutes
Top Speed
37.3 mph

The PCX Electric is a compact electric scooter from the famous Japanese brand Honda. Honda is one of the largest manufacturers of motorcycles in the world.

The PCX Electric has a 4,200 watt electric motor for a top speed of 37.3 mph. The speed of the scooter can be limited to 28 mph.

The scooter has two of Honda's latest swappable lithium batteries. The batteries provide a range of 25.5 miles.

The batteries can be shared between many vehicles and robots and can be swapped in seconds in special vending machines provided by Honda. Honda also provides several mobile battery swap solutions and an easy to use wireless home charger.

The scooter has a small built in charger that enables to charge the batteries using a wall outlet. The charge time with the built-in charger is 180 minutes.

The scooter has a front disc brake with ABS.

The scooter has a front disc brake with ABS and a wireless RFID key for anti-theft.

The scooter is available in Pearl Glare White with Candy Blue accents.

The scooter can be ordered online and is shipped worldwide.

American Seller

Honda North America, Inc. 1919 Torrance Blvd Mail Stop 100-5E-8ATorrance90501🇺🇸 United States
Phone+1 800-999-1009


Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2-1-1 MinamiaoyamaMinato-ku107-8556🇯🇵 Japan


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⛽ Read About The Hydrogen Scam of The Car Industry Health Hazard: Only Water as a Byproduct is a Lie